Regional Youth Investment Program

Empowering Young Aboriginal Voices
Through Regional NSW, Barang Regional Alliance was successful in gaining funding under the Regional Youth Investment Program to continue to Empower Young Aboriginal Voices on Darkinjung Country. This program encapsulates a range of activities listed below:
Guyung Minig (‘Black Fire’ in Darkinjung) Youth Leadership Cohort:

Beginning in June 2023, Guyung Minig is a youth leadership cohort whose name translates to ‘Black Fire’ in Darkinjung language (endorsed by the Darkinjung Language Group). Regional Youth NSW resources this program within the Regional Youth Investment Program. The rationale behind this program is years of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people on the Central Coast (Darkinjung Country) voicing their need for increased opportunities to connect to community, culture, and leadership beyond the Empowered Youth Summit. Further, youth leadership and developing the future generation speaks to our community’s ways of knowing, doing and being and the reciprocal nature of our knowledge transfer.  In collaboration with Guyung Minig, the framework below was designed to guide the program:
Throughout the program, this group has had 15 continuous members recruited through an expression of interest pathway open to the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations within Barang Regional Alliance, emphasising leaders observed at Empowered Youth Summits and every single young person nominated, was accepted into the program including Shanae Avery, Evie Barnes, Bailey Carney, Leigtham Carney, Tyson Coen, Isaac Davy, Josef Graf-Cooper, Jai McEwen, Allirra Moore, Zac McEwen, Bryce Parsons, Dane Smeaton, Ellie-Rose Trindall-Welsh, Jacob Smeaton and Sally Whitelaw.

Activities to date have included:

2023 Youth Leadership Camp

 Youth Priority Workshops

Cultural Immersion Experiences

Youth Priority Workshops

Empowered Youth Summit

The Empowered Youth Summit is an annual event established in 2019 that aims to provide an equal platform for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from the Central Coast to connect to Country, culture and community while voicing their opinions, needs and desires. Their voice is subsequently elevated to community and government by the Barang Regional Alliance (through avenues including this report) to ensure that decision-making, service design and delivery are genuinely inclusive of young people. Four Empowered Youth Summits have been held.

Youth Summit Report
Youth Summit Report
Youth Summit Report